Artificial Grass for Pets

Do you want the low maintenance solution for your garden pets?

Get the most beautiful grass in your garden, 365 days a year, and keep your pets cleaner outside in the garden, and your house cleaner when the little darlings come in.

So what pets is this artificial grass good for?

  1. Domesticated animals; dogs and cats, mice, donkeys, horses, anteaters.
  2. Wildlife such a kangaroos; koala bears and dingo bats.
  3. Pet insects, such as tarantulas, scorpions and even flies will be fooled by the grasses realism.

Dog on artificial grass

So why is our grass so great for pets, look at this scenario below;

Artificial grass is pet-friendly and will help with house maintenance such as muddy paws. The grass can be hosed down once the dog mess is cleaned, leaving no smell or discolouration. The tiny perforation holes in the grass helps everything run away.